An investment management company based in Boca Raton, Florida founded in 2016. ALG provides bespoke investment management services to individuals, high net worth clients, trusts, small businesses, charities and pension plans.


An investment management company based in Boca Raton, Florida founded in 2016. ALG provides bespoke investment management services to individuals, high net worth clients, trusts, small businesses, charities and pension plans.

ALG helps clients with:
  • investment management and advisory
  • insurance review
  • setting financial goals
  • education financing
  • identifying financial problems
  • retirement planning
  • cash flow management
  • estate planning
Some of the investment vehicles that ALG advises its clients on include but are not limited to, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (“ETF”), stocks, bonds, treasuries, and options. The company does business primarily in Florida.
Business Standards
One of the rules adopted in the civilized world of the investment business is that the interests of the client for the consultant always take precedence over their own interests, the so-called. fiduciary responsibility, which in the United States is provided by law for the profession of lawyers and financial advisers.

The finance and investment industry in which ALG operates is governed by US laws and regulations that have the richest and most diverse history dating back to 1919. Legal acts impose many restrictions on the work of investment managers, including advertising, confidentiality of client information, investment recommendations, and the form of communication with clients.
One of the rules adopted in the civilized world of the investment business is that the interests of the client for the consultant always take precedence over their own interests, the so-called. fiduciary responsibility, which in the United States is provided by law for the profession of lawyers and financial advisers.

The finance and investment industry in which ALG operates is governed by US laws and regulations that have the richest and most diverse history dating back to 1919. Legal acts impose many restrictions on the work of investment managers, including advertising, confidentiality of client information, investment recommendations, and the form of communication with clients.
The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) represents state and provincial securities regulators in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

NASAA is the oldest international organization dedicated to protecting the rights of investors.

In the US, NASAA is the voice of government securities agencies responsible for efficiently raising capital and protecting ordinary investors. Their mission is to protect consumers who buy securities or investment advice, and their jurisdiction extends to a wide range of issuers and intermediaries who offer and sell securities to the public.
The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) represents state and provincial securities regulators in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

NASAA is the oldest international organization dedicated to protecting the rights of investors.

In the US, NASAA is the voice of government securities agencies responsible for efficiently raising capital and protecting ordinary investors. Their mission is to protect consumers who buy securities or investment advice, and their jurisdiction extends to a wide range of issuers and intermediaries who offer and sell securities to the public.
Одно из правил, принятое в цивилизованном мире инвестиционного бизнеса, состоит в том, что интересы клиента для консультанта всегда стоят выше собственных интересов, т. н. фидуциарная ответственность, которая в США предусмотрена законодательством для профессии юристов и финансовых консультантов.

Сфера финансов и инвестиций, где работает компания ALG, регулируется правовыми актами и законами США, которые имеют самую богатую и разнообразную историю, начиная с 1919 года. Правовые акты накладывают много ограничений на работу инвестиционных управляющих, в том числе на рекламу, конфиденциальность клиентской информации, инвестиционные рекомендации, на форму общения с клиентами.
NASAA members license firms and their agents, investigate violations of state and provincial laws, file enforcement actions if necessary, and inform the public about investment fraud.

ALG Capital is registered as an investment company in the United States, in the state of Florida, is licensed and authorized to provide asset management services and is subject to the requirements and criteria adopted in the investment industry.

ALG Capital's work with clients is based on high ethical and professional standards, which include mandatory disclosure of information, disclosure in case of a conflict of interest, no guarantees regarding future profitability, promises of high profitability without risks, no use of positive reviews (affinity fraud).
Investment Manager
Golik Vyacheslav is a professional manager, is the chief investment director of ALG Capital, registered in the state of Florida (USA).

Vyacheslav has a specialized financial education, an MBA from H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, and experience in major international companies. He has been investing for over 20 years and is an expert in accounting and taxation. Advise corporations on IPOs, mergers and acquisitions, and risk management. Vyacheslav is an experienced portfolio manager with a long list of projects in the financial services industry.
Management Services
ALG mainly provides two types of consulting services:
  • Financial planning services
  • Investment management services
The combination of these services is called asset management services. The company provides “Other Consulting” services from time to time on a case-by-case basis. Each of these services is described in more detail below.
    What is financial planning?
    Financial planning will help you understand where you are today and create a roadmap that will take you to where you want to be. Planning is tailor-made for you - whether you are saving for a single goal, such as retirement, or you need comprehensive planning and wealth management.

    Financial planning services include the initial writing and formulation of a personal financial plan, with recommendations and supporting writing as needed, and may include ongoing monitoring of the client's progress toward achieving the personal financial goals set in the plan. The scope of selected Financial Planning Services is determined in advance and agreed upon between the Firm and the client.

    The process of providing financial planning services usually begins with the collection, organization and evaluation of relevant data about the client, including information about the client's lifestyle, their risk tolerance and cash flows, as well as identifying financial problems, goals and objectives of the client. The primary purpose of this process is to enable the Firm to assist the client in developing a strategy for the successful management of income, assets and liabilities in order to achieve the client's individual financial goals. To help achieve this goal, ALG may continuously monitor a client's progress towards his or her financial goals.
    ALG offers investment management services to clients that cover traditional fixed income asset classes, domestic equities and foreign securities, but may also include alternative asset classes. ALG generally manages the client's investment portfolio at its sole discretion and can assist the client in opening the required depository account(s). In exercising its discretionary powers, the ALG makes appropriate “buy, sell, hold” decisions in accordance with objectives and strategy, using an asset allocation methodology and a fundamental approach.

    The Investment Management Firm's services typically begin with collecting information regarding a new Investment Policy Statement or another similar documentation process. Based on this information, the Firm selects the appropriate allocation of the client's assets.

    The firm applies a defined process for each stage of the investment management cycle, including goal setting and risk/return profiling, asset allocation modeling, investment selection and implementation, and ongoing monitoring. This approach helps ensure a robust process for delivering long-term investment decisions. Depending on the strategy chosen by the Firm and the client, ALG may invest the client's assets in a variety of sectors and securities, including, but not limited to mutual funds, ETFs, stocks, bonds, treasuries, private equity funds, and/or real estate investment funds ("REIT").
    Wealth management services are a combination of financial planning services and investment management services, each of which is described above.
Become a client
The “entry threshold” for working with ALG is from $1 million.
The work process begins with filling out the KYC (Know Your Client) form and passing the procedure for checking the client for compliance with the requirements of the legislation in the field of the legality of the origin of funds and combating the legalization (laundering) of income.

After successfully passing the verification stage, the stage of legal registration of relations follows.